The 2022 Mickey Marcus Memorial
To watch a recording of the memorial service
The Directors and Officers of the American Veterans of Israel Legacy Corporation held the annual Mickey Marcus Memorial Service at the Jewish Chapel of the United States Military Academy at West Point on Sunday, May 1, 2022, at 10:00 AM.
The Chapel address – 750 Merritt Road, West Point, NY, 10996.
CH (MAJ) David Frommer and guest rabbis officiated.
10:00…Coffee hour in the Jewish Chapel Social Hall
11:00…Memorial Service in the USMA Jewish Chapel Sanctuary
12:15…USMA Military Cemetery. Honoring Col. David ‘Mickey’ Marcus
among the fallen volunteers in Israel’s War of Independence.
…Mourners Kaddish and wreath-laying ceremony at the graveside.
…Firing Salute and Taps by the USMA Honor Guard.

On behalf of the AVILC committee
Donna Parker:
Rafi Marom:
Ben Margolis:
Si Spiegelman: