Maseng, Trygvie Johannes
Source : https://www.toldotyisrael.org/en/ Eyewitness 1948: The American Contribution American Jews played a little known, yet key role in Israel’s founding. This one of many short
Source : https://www.toldotyisrael.org/en/ Eyewitness 1948: The American Contribution American Jews played a little known, yet key role in Israel’s founding. This one of many short
Joe Woolf (92) who was a Machal volunteer in the 1948 War of Independence and then came back to live in Israel with
Al Schwimmer, who guided the vast operation to build Israel’s air force, with Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion. (Courtesy of Boaz Dvir) A
For a description as well as film of the ceremony – please click here For a description and film of the event please
Click on image above to enlarge Star of David rifle photo caption – original taken in 1948. Latest taken in 2012. Standing: Left
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Click any Image to Enlarge it and to read caption