I arrived in Israel, prior to the official proclamation of the establishment of the State of Israel and before the Israel Defense Forces were officially sworn in. Everything seemed so small, so provincial. After a month up north, I finally decided to meet the family and announce my arrival. I cam to fight. When I went to Ramat Gan where my uncle and aunt and cousin lived, I knocked on their door and introduced myself. They said there were surprised and pleased and let me know that my cousin was wounded and recuperating in a rest home. My cousin and I had met in Italy, he in the British Army, and I in the U.S. Army, and developed a close relationship. While we were talking, in walked Amazia. He showed no surprise, except to say that he knew I would come but why did it take you so long to come. He recommended that I join his brigade, and even to take over his platoon, which is what I did. It was a religious company. In those days, the general kitchen in the army was not kosher so the religious soldiers had no choice but to have separate companies and kitchens. It did not take me long to become fond of the boys, many who were lone survivors. Many came with numbers tattooed on their arms. Yet they mixed very well with Sabras and others. Their religious and their belief in G-d in spite of what happened, helped them to become good soldiers. I was proud to be their leader and commander. They in turn, greatly appreciated the professionalism I personified. In the course of the War of Independence, they began to look like soldiers. Their morale and motivation was very high. When we moved south, we realized that the nature of the war had changed. We had better equipment. The weapons were standardized and the men looked as a fighting unit. On the second candle of Hanukah 1948 they went into action. Went through “A” Company then through “B” Company and up to capturing the Tel. On the second candle of Hanukah, 85% of “C” Company did not return.
Printed with the kind permission of the artist and author Sol Baskin, a Machalnik from the USA and veteran soldier of World War II.
Excerpt from his art book “Mosaic of a Lifetime” 2007 Produced and printed by Total Print Ltd. Israel, 03-689-4333 2007
הופק והודפס ע”י טוטל פרינט בע”מ, ישראל 03-6894333