WORLD MACHAL - Volunteers from overseas in the Israel Defense Forces

Moshe Gruenblatt

Moshe GruenblattI.D.F. NO: 79755

Moshe Gruenblatt, son of Leah and Chaim, was born in 1930 in Antwerp, Belgium, where he lived until the age of 18.  At the outbreak of the War of Independence he came to Palestine within the Machal framework.  He was recruited to the 62nd Battalion of the Etzioni Brigade and fought in the defense of Jerusalem.

He fell when defending his southern position around Arnona, Jerusalem, on 30th October, 1948.

His commander noted that “He excelled in discipline and courage”.

Moshe was buried at Sheikh Badar “A” and subsequently, on 30th August 1950, he was re-interred at Mount Herzl military cemetery.

Source:  Translated from the Yizkor website by Joe Woolf.  Photograph also taken  from the Yizkor website.